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Dice Game

A game of chance and skill. Build a high score by selecting the best scoring dice combinations.

screen screen screen


Please see the blog for news and changelogs.

A FAQ is available at the bottom of this page here.

Pro Version

A paid for 'Pro' version is available. The differences between Pro and standard are:

- Removes Ads

- Unlimited levels (Standard is capped at 25)


1. Roll the dice to start the game.

2. If there exists a scoring hand:

3. Then you must select a scoring hand. (See scoring for infomation about the best hands.)

4. If your current level score exceeds the level target:

5. Then you may select Stick to progress to next level.

6. Roll the dice to continue on the same level.

7. If no scoring hand exists, then you loose a life. (Loose 3 lives and it's game over.)

An extra life is awarded every 10,000 points.

Level Target

The current level target is displayed at the bottom right of the screen. Your level score must match or exceed this for you to be allowed to stick.

The level target is increased by 50 each level, unless your level score matches or exceeds the current hold target, in which case the level target does not increase. This is indicated with a HOLD label displayed over the level target.

The hold targets by level are as follows:

Level 1-10800
Level 11-241200
Level 25+2000

Throw a Level

If you think the odds of you making the level target are too low you can opt to throw the level and take a score penalty. The score penalty increases with each time you use the feature, until eventually it is disabled.


Hand Name Example Score
Single '1' 1 1
Single '5' 5 5
Pair 2 2 10,20,30,40,50,60 (10x face value)
Triple 3 3 3 100,200,300,400,500,600 (100x face value)
Quad 4 4 4 4 500,600,700,800,900,1000 (400 + 100x face value)
Quint 5 5 5 5 5 700,900,1100,1300,1500,1700 (500 + 200x face value)
Sext 6 6 6 6 6 6 1400,1800,2200,2600,3000,3400 (1000 + 400x face value)
Straight 3 1 2 3 300,400,500,600 (100x high value)
Straight 4 1 2 3 4 840,950,1060 (400 + 110x high value)
Straight 5 1 2 3 4 5 1600,1820 (500 + 220x high value)
Straight 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 3640 (1000 + 440x high value)

If the hand is also a flush (all the dice are the same colour) that the hand score is multiples by 1.5.

Hidden Hands

Other special hands are there for you to discover (that can be tracked from the statistics screen). To get you started, here's one:

Small PI, 3 1 4 , scores 314!


Why does the game require internet access?

In order to support the uploading of hi score data to this web site.

How do I uninstall the game?

I believe there is an option to uninstall in Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Dice Game. If that doesn't work, try restarting the phone and trying again.